• Uniform


Our Uniform

Wearing school uniform is part of the ethos of our school and there is an expectation that all children will come to school appropriately dressed and wearing uniform. It helps us to feel like we belong! 

Smartness and high standards of appearance are expected at all times. The uniform is for all pupils from Reception to Year 6. We also ask that nursery children wear a blue sweatshirt alongside comfortable clothes. 

The following items make up our uniform: 

  • Blue embroidered sweatshirt
  • White or blue polo shirt
  • Trousers
  • Skirt

In summer term only:

  • ​Blue gingham checked dresses, or dark knee length shorts in warmer weather

The PE uniform is as follows:

  • Red embroidered hoody, plain red t-shirt and black shorts

Our uniform is available in the following ways:

  • Items with an embroidered school logo are available from Coniston Corporate.
  • Items without the school logo, in matching colours are widely available and are acceptable alternatives.  
  • School do hold some previously loved uniform and regular sales are held by the Friends of Threlkeld School. 



Children are not permitted to wear any jewellery to school apart from a watch. If children have their ears pierced they should wear small studs. For sports and PE all piercings should be removed or covered (both over the front and back of the ear), and hair should be tied back.  The school will not provide coverings for piercings.  

Pupils may wear a watch (with no sound effects, cameras or games) but they must be removed for P.E., swimming or other sporting activities undertaken with school (on or off site). Pupils unable to participate in PE activities due to being unable to remove or cover jewellery will participate in the theoretical side of the session but will not participate in the active part of the session.

Please ensure all uniform is labelled.

PE Kits

Children should have their P.E. kit in school every day, including a pair of indoor pumps/trainers with non-marking soles, and a pair of pumps / trainers they can wear outside. Children with long hair should wear it tied back.  

To order uniform please go to the website of our uniform supplier, Coniston Corporate and order and pay for your items online. Items can be delivered to your home or to school.