• School Clubs

School Clubs

After School Interest Clubs

We offer after school interest clubs which change every term. These are for 1 hour (3:15-4:15pm) and cost £3 per child per session. Up-to-date details will be sent out in the Newsletter and on Class Dojo when new club choices are available.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is open from 8:00am until the start of the school day at 8:45am. The cost of this is £3 per day per child (including breakfast).

Late Club

We are able to support families that require childcare beyond 4:15pm. Please contact the school office for more information.

Child Care Vouchers

We are now able to register to take Child Care Vouchers which can be used to pay for Breakfast Club and Late Club. This means you can pay for your child care vouchers out of your salary and before tax (which should save you some money). Please speak to your employer to set this up. Threlkeld C of E Primary School should be selected as the provider.

After School Clubs

Autumn Term 2024

  • Monday - Fine Motor Skills
  • Tuesday - Choir
  • Wednesday -  Games
  • Thursday - Mindfulness
  • Friday - Yoga

All clubs finish at 4:15pm. Choices are emailed to parents at the end of each half-term so that children can choose which activity they'd like to try.

Links with Local Clubs