• Curriculum


The broad and balanced curriculum at Threlkeld C of E School is progressive, rich in vocabulary and in knowledge and is approached through the CUSP Curriculum (Curriculum by Unity Schools Partnership).

Each school is unique, each serving a community with a unique set of characteristics. As a result, it is only right that schools should tailor their curriculums accordingly, in order to meet the needs of their children. At Woodhall, we have reflected upon what should drive our curriculum, drawing upon what our children need most in order to become educated citizens.

Our curriculum aims to support children who attend our school by:  

  • Widening their KNOWLEDGE of the WORLD because we believe children should have a wonderment and interest locally, nationally and internationally
  • Increasing their subject VOCABULARY because words convey meaning; this increases their knowledge and understanding
  • Developing their CURIOSITY and ASPIRATIONS because these are essential components that engage and connect children with the curriculum
  • Enhancing CRITICAL thinking skills because successful learners compare, analyse, sift, sort and ask perceptive questions
  • Encouraging ORACY skills and abilities because as we know words empower children to make sense of the world around them, put their emotions into words, socialise with people, imagine and wonder.

At its heart, our curriculum has been designed to enable children to respond proactively and positively to the challenges they may face.

Underpinning Principles

Below are the fundamental principles that underpin our Curriculum and the way we teach our children. Strategic long-term plans have been created so that subject coverage is planned sequentially and with a clear rationale for making connections with prior learning, therefore learning is blended and refined. The Long Term Overviews can be viewed below, with a curriculum guide for parents.

Long Term Overviews for each class

Remote Learning Plan

For sequenced plans explaining our coverage of all curriculum areas, please explore the pages below.